
Century Melanger

How do you perform tempering of chocolates?

It can be done in four simple steps & rightly below steps are to be followed for the perfect chocolate tempering with the perfect sheen and gloss finish.   Readmore...

Century Melanger

How does the process of tempering is carried out by the chocolatiers?

We all know that tempering of the chocolates is the most crucial part and the real challenge lies with the chocolatier and as well cocoa bean to bar makers.   Readmore...

Century Melanger

The Purpose of an industrial chocolate tempering machine!

It is the important process to be carried out to make the chocolate suitable for processing which includes the pre-crytaliztion of cocoa butter this enhances the glossy finish on the product.   Readmore...

Century Melanger

The Journey from Chocolate bean to Chocolate bar!

When you eat a choco bar we just simply think of its taste and texture and not really more. Do anyone thought of its huge journey from Chocolate bean to Chocolate bar. Where it comes from? Where it is sourced? And the origin of it.  Readmore...

Century Melanger

Welcome Onboard

Welcome to century melanger! We like to introduce itself as a newborn and established in the year 2012 and now with so much of delightness &, we are very proud of being the largest supplier of Cocco bean to bar equipment manufacturer-backed up with the customers worldwide.   Readmore...